So this is a little taster of what I have been busy writing in the last week. It's for a paid for advertorial in Glamour magazine, but my client has approved it and I am beginning to feel, more and more, that I too could become a journalist in the style of Heat magazine...
20 Reasons Why We Love Bridget Jones1 She gave a name (too cheeky to mention here) to the collection of ways men mess with our hearts, such as neglecting to call the morning after a date, flirting then disappearing etc.
2 We can all eat dessert because she sparked the comeback of granny pants and control briefs (Stella McCartney soon reinvented them in high-waisted bikinis).
3 In a highly satisfying twist, she pashed and dashed on the dastardly cad Daniel Cleaver – go grrrl!
4 She made every self-help book hoarding, chardonnay swilling, hairbrush diva feel NORMAL.
5 Anything is possible - even escaping an infamous Thai gaol is possible – on Planet Bridget.
6 She’s the ultimate underdog: the least likely to succeed but the most likely to be adored by everyone for trying.
7 Compared to Bridget, we’re a vision of grace. She commits every clutzy mistake we’ve ever made (only on a grander scale!) then some, but makes them seem hilarious.
8 Her heart is in the right place. She may cringe at her parents and feel like a disappointment, but she always fulfils her daughter duties.
9 The girl’s got guts. She scored a TV job, landed her lawyer hunk, lost the podge and endured life behind bars. That’s a lot of achievements for a little Bridge.
10 She gives us faith: love handles and all, she ousted Mark Darcy’s primped, proper fiancĂ© and won back Daniel Cleaver after his humiliating affair.
11 She never has anything appropriate to say – what a breath of fresh air!
12 Even when she lost the podge she still had a nice feminine layer of flesh – something for us to hug. Never has a carved bicep or hollow cheek reared its freakish head on Bridge.
13 She’d provide all the entertainment at the office Christmas party.
14 She’s a gifted sartorial teacher, always committing fashion experiments (and, frequently, crimes) for us – in wide screen no less – so we don’t have to.
15 Even when her world is caving in, Bridge never gets nasty. In fact, she’s the best best friend a gal could hope for.
16 Bridge is a girl’s girl. You just know that she’ll never become a smug married, even if she wins her handsome Mr Darcy, her fairytale comes true and she lives happily ever after.
17 She’ll NEVER utter the words “tick tock!” in your ear, demand you spill your sex life to a dinner party of smug marrieds or ask (in a loud voice in a quiet, crowded room) why you’ve been left on the shelf.
18 Unlike our doctors, Bridget recognises the healing power of vodka and Chaka Kahn.
19 She makes us laugh out loud.
20 She reminds us of us.