So there was this frikkin wind last night of epic proportions, whose main purpose in life seemed to be to bring every last leaf from all the trees in the tri-state area. Now all the trees are bare and I find this incredibly depressing. It really, truly is winter. Summer seemed so fast!
Anyway - onto more important things. Had date with Matt Moneypenny last night. Very good date. Met practically all his friends in one fell swoop, and handled the occasion very well I might add (a gift in the form of a bottle of Absolut helped me thinks). So - met the friends, followed by a dinner at a great restaurant in Brooklyn. Endeared myself by ordering a Pinot Grigio in a French establishment (stupid brits, etc). Debate, great conv, all that stuff, blah, blah, blah. Meet friends again later. Discover that the wind has blown a tree down in Matt's street. Later on, drunken snogging and marathon, er, stuff and me staying the night.
And although it was all great I now have this nagging voice in my head telling me that I shouldn't have put out on the first date (even though it was FUN!). My friend assures me that I will "get a second date you sexy mofo. I bet Mr. Moneypenny has already told his fag hag about you and is wondering how to get you back into bed this weekend without seeming needy!"
Hope it's true. Because, in the words of French & Saunders, "I am smitten. I am drained by the very nearness of him". Or something like that...
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