Friday, December 12, 2003

Yesterday was bloody great and I was on fire. I seem to have gotten myself out of the messy PR quagmire and am now a sharp as a sharp thing with sharp edges. I got in at 8.30am and already I have cleared my inbox. Whoo hoo!

Last night - Roy finally used the dried mushrooms from the cupboard and made mushroom risotto which is one of my favorite things to eat.

Then I watched Angels in America again. I can't explain how great this show is. If you live in the UK and want to see the trailer check out this link...

So anyway - the Zyban seems to be working and I am smoking way less than I usually do - yesterday only had four. It's weird - the craving just isn't there! But will continue to smoke until stupid PR event is over. Am going to stop just before I get on the plane next Thursday night.

Have just realized that I write my blog in a Bridget Jones style. V.bad. Must stop.

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