I have been having what le French would call "une discussion intéressante" with a friend about a number of things, one of which is - when was the best time in history to be gay?
I believe, hand on heart that it is today. Not saying that today is a great time to be gay, but all things considered, probably the best. Although that shouldn't imply that us gayers haven't got a long, long way to go. Au contraire.
My friend Sally emailed me as to her pov on the matter and she put across an interesting point. Maybe I should rethink, after all:
"As to when is the best time to be/ to have been gay? I think the best time may have been in America before the white man came when certain American Indian tribes believed that there were special people who were granted favor with the Gods. They were men who stayed home with the woman to tend to the children, and tanning hides, and growing grain in the fields. There was no shame in them not wanting to hunt, exactly the opposite. You can read a passage in "Little Big Man" (Thomas Berger) all about them."
There was one small problem though. As she rightly says, "there were no discos to go to at that time."
(Drew - do not lament the lack of talent in Wellington too much. Joe and I went to The Two Brewers last night in Clapham and I was quite relieved to come home alone!)
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