There are many things in life which are considered, for many different reasons, to be landmarks. For some it's buying their first pair of Manolo's. For others, it's getting that dream job. For me it was being invited to my first gay orgy.
Sex really has come out of the bedroom in the last few years. It is now not only acceptable, but deeply de rigueur to talk about sex at every available opportunity. Thank about this: when was the last time that you were actually embarrassed about discussing anything sexual? I remember being at school and my friend asking me how often I knocked one out (Brit term for masturbation) and I can still remember now that I turned Pantone reference 7544C. I was asked the same question just the other day and I was embarrassed again - this time not because I do it, but because apparently, judging by their reaction, I don't do it enough.
So no one is embarrassed anymore. Especially us boys of a certain persuasion - we love talking about sex. LOVE IT! Why just yesterday I emailed Brandi the slightly exaggerated details (it was two and a half hours, not four) of an afternoon of hot pash resulting from a trip to the gym (seriously - the gym has been a veritable sexual mecca for me recently!) Telling your friends that you have just been "at it" all afternoon is these days pretty much on a par with telling them that you had a massage, a wet shave and a pedicure. "How was my day? Oh you know, just a little lunch, a workout, sex with some guy Ben, then a movie in the evening with Jess. It was really lovely."
A case in point is the fact that last month the Harvard Crimson (described by the Washington Post as "the nation's best campus newspaper") reported that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had raised a few eyebrows by claiming that he favored sexual orgies. "I even take the position (great choice of words there Antonin) that sexual orgies eliminate social tension and ought to be encouraged." No doubt an unexpected sentiment but nonetheless, refreshing to hear.
Which brings us neatly back to the subject - being invited to my first gay orgy. I got the specifics from my friend. It is a legitimate affair, which takes place once a month at "Doug's" loft apartment in Soho. It is attended by thirty to forty guys between the ages of 20 and 35, who fall into the attractive and svelte category - hot basically. And I saw some pictures of these guys and they were indeed rather easy on the eye. Anyway, I weighed the idea up for a little while and really couldn't make up my mind. I guess it is something that everyone should do at least once in their lives. But you see I am actually a bit of a meat and veg type guy, and the idea of an orgy...well I have mixed feelings about it. I mean as long as they are safe and drug free (which I am promised, this one is) I don't see anything particularly wrong with them, per se. But still...
So I emailed my friend to ask them what they would do and this is what they said. "Have the sex party! God, I would. Take pictures. Send them to me. Make a boy very happy. No really, do it. Sounds HOT."
So I agreed to my friend sending his friend (the organiser) a pic of me so that I could be visually vetted. And then if I passed I would be forwarded all the sordid details. Apparently I still have some "thing" goin' on (note the pic of me was a fully clothed face pic!) cause boy did I ever get the details! An extremely detailed description of what occurs from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave. VERY specific detail to what goes on in the middle. It made my face burn. The accompanying picture "evidence" made me blind. Overall, I felt slightly queasy.
So for the last week I have been walking around with the knowledge that on Saturday I am attending a gay orgy. And questions began to pop into my mind. Apparently I need to take drink. So what do I take? A nice Liebfraumilch? Or do I splash out on a bottle of Chateau Neuf de Pape? And what underwear do I wear? Do I invest in a nice new pair of Calvins? Or is that silly, because, lets face it, they probably won't stay on for very long. And then I began to actually pay serious consideration to me, in the middle of the orgy. A mental picture appeared, one not entirely devoid of comedy.
Imagine reader, if you will, me, in a pair of tighty-whities and not much else, standing in the middle of a room surrounded by thirty to forty guys going at it. My head is tilted to one side, my face sports a confused expression. And then I notice the three guys at my feet. "Um. That's so...I mean, er, how does that work? Oh my! Oh, I see!"
Yeah. Not a hot look, is it?
So last night I sent the organiser a little email, apologising that I wouldn't be able to attend as something has come up (probably could have phrased that better). Instead, tomorrow I will be Leeds-bound to see Wayne and his boyfriend Vince. Wayne has informed that the weekends proceedings will be wholesome and lovely, but still with the opportunity to hook up with a cute, floppy haired art student called Stuart, if so choose I.
But I'll end on this note. You never know what is round the corner and if I ever do find myself in the midst of a seething gay orgy then, courtesy of the same friend who told me to go, I have the best brush off line ever for spurning the advances of someone you don't really want touching you:
"Get off me! You know you're only here to make up the numbers!"
It's interesting that you should touch on this topic because I was actually having lunch with a friend yesterday and we recounted our first orgy experiences.
In my late 20's, which was probably 1995, I was quite the bad boy and I had been invited to suburban orgy by an older fellow that I was sometimes intimate with. He was so flexible that I frequently called him Gumby. I had been invited because of... well, I had a natural talent that I won't elaborate on and I'm sure that your imagination will run the gamut with that one, but I was quite keen to have the official "gay orgy" experience. It's like the ultimate badge in Gay Scouts.
When I arrived I found all these body builder types sitting around the living room drinking beer and watching a slide show of Tom Bianchi photographs set to techno music. I sort of waited awhile for things to start and then I just stood up and took my clothes off and that's all it took. We were a writhing mass of flesh in no time.
I had always thought the apotheosis of gay sex would be topping someone while having someone coming up the rear, so to speak, at the same time. I was in the middle of topping someone when I felt this guy messing around with the lock to the back door and I had to say, "I'm sorry, but that's just too distracting. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing up here. I'm afraid you're going to have to move on, bud." It's hard enough synchronizing the rhythm of two fellows, let alone three.
Later on I was involved with another guy and his boyfriend got jealous and they got into a fight. I made a mental note that if I ever went to an orgy with a date, it would be best to ensure that my boyfriend was really cool with the idea first.
After a while, I just sat on the couch and watched the whole thing and it sort of struck me how silly it all was to watch all these grown men rolling around the floor together with their noses stuck in each other's asses and penises planted firmly in cheek. It was sort of like an American classic that Norman Rockwell forgot to paint: "Circle Jerk At The Ol' Watering Hole," in oils.
All in all, I'm glad I had the experience, but it was no where near as erotic and exciting as I thought it would be. I mean, it was sort of like buying a gas-log for the fireplace; it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it really didn't put off much heat. I'm still more of a one-on-one guy myself.
I have a friend who often attends orgies here in town. He's always trying to get me to go... just to watch. I'm not sure if you keep your clothes on to watch, but even if you don't, no one is going to be considering how you look in your tightie-whities. They're too busy thinking about "filling their own desires."
Personally, I commend you for following your instincts. When the time comes for you to attend a gay orgy, you'll know it's right and you'll go. You may find, like me, that it's really not all that AND a bag of chips or it may become a weekend hobby for you like mountain biking. Who knows? Just follow your intuition and you'll be fine.
Come to think of it, no pun intended, I guess that S&M party in 1996 counts too, but then again I paired off with a guy who looked like a good looking Ted Turner and kept telling me to ask him if I knew where to find a scientist named Duran Duran. Okay, he really didn't have a Barbarella fetish, but I actually went out with him a few times. It does remind me of one last tip. Carefully choose your shoes and socks for the orgy. I personally recommend black, Doc Marten boots with white boot socks, although I think Adidas athletic shoes with white tube socks with the colored bands around the top may be in vogue now. On this particular, you may be on your own.
I don't know who Jef is (above) but I think I'm in love.
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