No, I am not warning off an army of persistantly intrusive paparazzi, but participating in what I feel is the best game ever ... The Name Game.
Loads of you probably already know the game, but incase you don't, here is how you play it:
1) Arrange a group of friends into two to three teams of equal numbers of players
2) Each player writes a name of someone famous (literary, thespian, political, musical, etc) on a scrap of paper, folds it up and places it into a recepticle. We used a hot pink trilby hat, but you can make do with a saucepan or something. You want about 50 names if you have two teams of four.
3) First round: taking it in turns, a player has 60 seconds to explain as many names written on the pieces of paper to their fellow team mates as possible, based on an explanation without saying the actual name written down. For example, one of the names I pulled out was "Janet Street Porter" - an unfortunate looking British media mogul, who looks like my friend Ann, who was also playing. Me - "Female media mogul who looks like Ann!" Team responds - "JANET STREET PORTER!" Correct. Pull next name. At the end of the round each team counts the total number of names they won and records them on a sheet of paper. Then you all fold the names back up again and chuck 'em back in the hat. (Clare demonstrates how to play the first round, below, with "Hilary Clinton")
4) Second round: same format, only this time rather than verbally explaining the names each player, when it is their turn, mimes the name. Sometimes this can be easy. Sometimes not so easy. A handy hint - if you do ever pull out "Leon Trotsky" mime yourself being stabbed in the head with an icepick. Jerome demonstrates by miming "Nina Simone"
See? Easy isn't it? Nina Simone.
5) Third and final round: again, same format, but this time each player describes each name using only ONE word. Lucy demonstrates by using the word "c**t" (George Bush Jr)
Then each team works out how many names they guessed correctly, in total. The team with the most names wins.
Believe me when I say that this is the best game ever. EVER I tell you. Play it now. Even if you are on your own, although it may be quite easy.
(By the way, on the final round David, Ann's boyfriend, "did" Nina Simone with the word "Defecation", which clearly stumped us all. David is insistant that Nina Simone was famous for "doing her business" while performing on stage. None of us were at all convinced but still, I Googled using various relevant words, but there was nothing to support David's theory. However, he did seem pretty sure, so if you do have evidence supporting his claims, can you please let me know by posting a comment below? Thanks! Cheerio!)
Shakespear's Sister used to play thaat game on the tour bus back in 1992 and as far as I know, Siobhan Fahey may still have that Post-it on her forehead as I type this comment.
I know it as "Celebrity" as well, though, oddly enough, I was first introduced to it in London.
Except that in the version I know, round two and round three are in the opposite order. Thus for Ian McKellan, say, in the first round somebody says, "Okay, he's an old gay British actor, played Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings" and we all shout out "Ian McKellan!" Then in the second round somebody stands up and looks wise and pretends to hold a staff and intones, "Gay!" and we all shout out "Ian McKellan!" Then in the third round, somebody stands up and looks wise and pretends to hold a staff and look gay at the same time, and we all shriek with laughter and then shout out "Ian McKellan!"
I think you should play my way from now on. Honestly, I do. It makes more sense.
Faustus, M.D.
Another good game is the Chinese Whispers mime game. I just tried to explain it and couldn't but we should try it some time.
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