Thursday, February 24, 2005

The theatre, again

Tonight Kate and I went to see “Whose Life is it Anyway”, the play starring Kim Cattrall. It's the story of a woman, who after being paralyzed from the neck down after a car accident, decides that she wants to be allowed to die.

The play, technically, is not about euthanasia, but about the character Claire's right to be discharged from hospital. Without the medical care, her body will start to shut down. At one point in the play she says something like, "I just want you to take me some place and leave me there."

The play was really, really great and I didn't fidget at all. You know a newspaper should use me as a kind of yardstick for movies and plays. It could be a regular Friday feature entitled "Christopherfidgetometer" and it would be all about how good or bad the production was based on how much I moved and shifted around.

Anyway, there is something I want to say about the theme of the play, but it's kind of personal, and I have to think about what I want to say otherwise it won't make a lot of sense. And it's late now.

So, in other news:

I really HATE that Toilet Duck advert. You know, the one with the woman actually cleaning the toilet with the brush? It makes me feel queasy. I like to believe that the bathroom toilet is cleaned by my flatmate self-cleaning.

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