So this afternoon I am going back to the specialist at Guy's to have my throat re-examined. As most of you know, I have been sounding somewhat like Darth Vadar for the past four months and I am just about sick of it. I tried running at the gym a few weeks ago and nearly keeled over with breathlessness!!!
It's actually really unpleasant. They stick this camera thing (endoscope?) up my nose and then down so that they can see my vocal chords. It doesn't hurt's just a really uncomfortable experience.
Hopefully they will be able to do something about it without the need to operate, but somehow I doubt it. I KNOW that part of the reason it's not getting better is because I have not given up smoking (which they told me to do), but they just don't get how hard it is! You see I have tried everything apart from hypnotherapy. Nothing works! Besides, I am not in a place where I feel like I can give up smoking at the moment.
Please god! I just want to be able to change my voicemail message each morning without having to gasp for breath!!!