...was good and bad in equal measures. Friday night I threw caution to the wind and withdrew £100 and managed to blow it in various stages throughout the night.
Part une was spent at Revolution on Clapham High Street with some work buddies, before moving on to Part Deux, at home, with Lindsay and Vix - and pizza, wine and Big Bro eviction. God riddance Ahmed. I hate the fact that I am addicted to that programme, but hell I am, so I just have to get over it.
Part trois was spent at Fiction. Took me an hour to get there on the Northern Line and then another twenty minutes to get in. Found Drew et al immediately which was good. Proceeded to, er, get off my face and dance the night away. Left at 5am with a bunch of people I had not met before and got driven to a chill out in Crouch End (pronounced "Crew-shond" if you want to pretend that it is posh).
Slept in some strange boys bed until 4.30pm and then left to get back home. Had to take a bus to get to the nearest tube station which I hate, hate, hate doing. I mean, I would never live somewhere where I would have to get a bus to the tube. It's bad enough having to walk ten minutes to the tube, without having the hassle of rushing for the next available seat whenever anyone stands up. The Mirror provided interesting reading (not).
Anyway - a nice evening ensued. Managed to get Vix to agree to watch Kill Bill Vol.1. Had to really twist her arm though, but she agreed in the end and actually really liked it! Which I knew she would. And then drew came round afterwards and we watched it all over again. I think I've seen that movie about ten times now or something ridiculous. And I think I am seeing the follow up tonight, again, for like the fifth time! Anyway - ended up in bed at 3am!
Sunday was spent lying on the sofa feeling a bit sorry for myself. The arse end of the weekend. Watched another movie - In The Cut, with Meg Ryan. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that there is a scene where this woman gives a guy a blow job and they actually show it in full detail! A Meg Ryan movie! Shocker!
Another installment of Big Brother - my favourite of the week, because it features the psychologists analysis of the housemates behaviour - before bedtime.
Didn't sleep well last night - too hot and kept thinking about the kind of stuff that can only be described as that of the remnants of a heavy night out. And then had weird dreams where I was picking paint off my bedroom wall. Probably something to do with the Irish Brie I ate during the afternoon.