Friday, December 17, 2004

Saucy gay poetry

A couple of weeks ago my housemate and I were discussing poetry and I told her that my favorite poem is called "As I Walked Out One Evening" by W.H Auden.

Vix then informed me that Auden was also famous for being the author of several works of homoerotic poetry. Because I don't like being told something that I don't already know I dismissed this as ridiculous!!

But this morning she produced a book of erotic poetry and showed me one of the poems that she was referring to. I think it might be a bit of a misnomer to cite this as homoerotic. It's more like down and dirty porn! Yay! Don't read if you are of a sensitive disposition or concerned that you might become all hot and bothered.

"The Platonic Blow" by W.H. Auden.

When reading that poem I imagine W.H Auden to look like:
not w.h. auden

In actual fact, W.H Auden looked like:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you said homoerotic, I thought you meant homoerotic, subtle. This is HOMOEROTIC. I was amazed at how the poem rhymed without seeming sing-song. Very interesting. Although, I probably wouldn't have used "tower of power." It sounds like some miracle gadget they hawk on TV, but then again, I suppose to the author it was indeed a miracle gadget.