Saturday, January 10, 2004

I'm sat here at my desk listening to the Hannibal soundtrack - it's the bit where Hannibal is writing a letter to Clarice and Anthony Hopkins is reading it aloud. Really creepy.

I am SO BORED!!! I have almost nothing to do. Again - this leads to idle hands and inevitably checking out porn at work (I can do this as I have an office with a closeable door. Also no policy at downloading porn at work, which is really sexy).

I feel like I need a really adventuresome weekend so that I have some scandalous tales to tell on my blog, because I fear that it has become a mixture of the following..

1) Catastrophising over Will (although we were on the phone for another hour last night!!)

2) Moaning over the triviality of my job

and 3) and 4)

So with that in mind...

Roy has DVDs of the very early French & Saunders and we have been watching them. Comic genius.

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