Thursday, January 29, 2004

Will has the most peculiar sleeping habits:

A) He has to sleep with two "blankies" that he has had since he was a baby. They have never been washed, ever (yet smell strangely clean) and are so thin that you think you could tear them with even the most gentle of a brush. He always takes one with him if he has to leave town, but does it on rotation so that one of the blankies doesn't feel left out.

B) He has to sleep with a huge long pillow between his legs and this pillow is not a pleasant sight. It is kind of brown in colour and features what look like coffee stains. I really hope that's all they are.

C) The air conditioner must be set to noisily pump out cold air (and New York is anything but warm right now!!)

D) A huge fan in the corner on must be turned on full

E) a noise maker in the corner of the room has to be set to white noise (which is admittedly much better than the sea rushing or the sounds of birds chirping in a forest, which are the other noises the machine can make)

With anyone else I would find these things extremely peculiar and would probably have to say "goodbye". But with Will I find them incredibly endearing and it has got to the point where I find all the noise very comforting and can actually sleep right through it (although last night I did take a Xanax and am still feeling a bit doped up even after a very strong cup of coffee).

He is apparently buying me a noise maker.

Anyway...he left at 6am this morning for his shift at the hospital and left me a note saying (I got up at 8.30am):

"WAKE UP!!! By now I have already resuscitated five people, given eight enemas and had six cups of weak hospital coffee! Get a move on boy!"

This is me: by the time you lot have read this I will have eaten half a chocolate pie that Will cooked last night, drank a cup of coffee, entered this weeks time into the company time sheet program and written this blog. This has taken an hour and a half.

Somehow Will's job seems so much more worthy than mine. I don't mind, however, that I don't have to perform urinary catheter procedures on morbidly obese women who can't pee. He literally has to fish around in their...erm....

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