Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I Love Pussy

So last night I was just sat in the living room minding my own business. Fire was roaring away, Little Britain was on TV and I was contendly nursing a cup of tea.

Then the cutest cat in the world saunters into the room, jumps up on the sofa and starts rubbing it's head against my chest. Is it possible to die from cuteness? Seriously - I'm actually more of a dog person, but all it takes is for someone or something to show me the slightest affection and I MELT!

Turns out that Vix found the cat meowing sadly outside and thought that she would bring it into the flat for some milk and lovin!

So we played with kitty for a while. We contemplated wheter it was a he or a she. I eventually decided to found out for sure by performing a little examination. Definitely a she. I christen her "Celia".

Then Vix says that she supposes we should put her back outside. NOOOOOOO!!! Much crying, feet stamping and histrionics on my part. So Vix sits me down and gently explains to me why it is oh so wrong to steal someone else's pets. Well she should have thought of that before she bought the bloody thing into the flat!

So I decide to be the man, scoop Celia up and take her outside for a final farewell.

"Goodbye Celia. It's time for us to part. We had good times and I'll always remember them fondly. But now you must go home. Farewell."

And she just sits there and meows. Eventually it becomes clear that I'm just going to have to walk away. It was the same feeling as when you take someone to the airport and you keep hanging around until you see them go behind the screen in departures.

And then half an hour later I looked out of the window to see if she is still there - AND SHE IS!!! And she looks up at me like I have comitted an injustice on a massive scale.

Stupid cats. Stupid Vix. I wonder if I could hide her in my bedroom (the cat dumbass, not Vix!)

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